Sami Chouchi obtient le bronze en 37 secondes: "Il a encore franchi un palier"

Battu par l’Israélien Muki en demi-finale, Sami Chouchi (-81 kg) s’est bien… rattrapé en balayant le malheureux Portugais Egutidze.

Israel's gold medalist Sagi Muki (L), and Belgium's bronze medalist Sami Chouchi, pose on the podium with their medals after the men's under 81 kg weight category competition at the Tel Aviv Grand Prix 2019 in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv on January 25, 2019. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)
Israel's gold medalist Sagi Muki (L), and Belgium's bronze medalist Sami Chouchi, pose on the podium with their medals after the men's under 81 kg weight category competition at the Tel Aviv Grand Prix 2019 in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv on January 25, 2019. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP) ©AFP

Battu par l’Israélien Muki en demi-finale, Sami Chouchi (-81 kg) s’est bien… rattrapé en balayant le malheureux Portugais Egutidze.

37 secondes pour décrocher une médaille de bronze !

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